Friday, June 18, 2010

2 Days Left and Feeling Ill!

It is 10pm Friday night. I have just about everything packed (waiting for my jeans to dry)for my 8am flight. I am packing light so as to fit my mountain climbing gear in my travel suit case. I will carry my wedding dress in a nice apparel box and hope it doesn't get wrinkled.

Right now, my stomach hurts. Actually, it feels more like a ball has been inflated to full capacity and shoved half way up my throat. It is difficult to keep my head up and eyes open. I am not sure if it was the couple glasses of wine I had or if the cause for such illness is stress and exhaustion, either way I need to pull myself together to climb on Sunday. Below is my climb itinerary and a map of our route. There will be no time to rest between now and my wedding next Saturday.

Saturday 6/19
- My mom and stepdad pick me up at the airport and go to REI to get any food I need. Tonya (my best friend) will stop by Saturday evening so we can run through all our gear to make sure everybody has what they need.

Sunday 6/20 - Hike into Glacier Basin (brown area on map)

Monday 6/21 - Climb to Camp Schurman (follow green line on map)- our permit is actually for a little lower at Camp Curtis, but we will ask the rangers if we can move up to the higher camp. They limit the # of people at these camps, with no more than 35 at Camp Schurman or Schurman Flats. This is significantly less than the 110 they allow at Camp Muir.

Tuesday 6/22 - Summit via Emmons Glacier (green line on map) and back to camp or all the way out. Be prepared to awake at midnight and begin climbing via headlamp at 2am.

Wednesday 6/23 - All the way out and drive home. Estimated time of arrival in Seattle between 5-8 pm

1 comment:

  1. I am really excited for your climb. I can't wait to hear about the sights and see your photographs. Well and then there is next weekend, that isa week from today, that is the day. I love you babe.
